The information and advice centers in Vienna, Burgenland (Eisenstadt, Oberwart) and Hungary (Sopron, Szombathely, Nagykanizsa) coordinate offers for schools, school administrators and teachers in the basic skills areas of reading / writing, mathematics, science and technology and intercultural and social skills. They refer to regional events, work closely with relevant educational institutions and thus support educators with various information and advisory services. Together, they form a cross-border network that regularly exchanges information and can organize cross-border events or observation.
Information and advice centers: Austria
Information and advice centers: Hungary
cross-border events
14. Dezember 2018, 12:00 Uhr
„Competence-OrienteD Education for Elementary Schooling in the cross-border Region AT-HU“
Ort: Bildungsdirektion für Wien Wipplingerstraße 28, 1010 Wien (Festsaal)
– Einleitung und Begrüßung
– Impulse zum Thema Grundkompetenzen
– Kurzvorstellung Projekt CODES und der beteiligten Projektpartner
– Dialog und Ausklang bei einem vorweihnachtlichen Mittagsbuffet
15:00 Uhr: Ende der Veranstaltung